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2024 Government Report, Focusing on New Quality Productivity and Focusing on Industries
Publisher:WINTRONIXRelease date:2024/03/25

According to the 2024 government work report, the new quality productivity includes three major measures: "promoting the optimization and upgrading of industrial and supply chains", "actively cultivating emerging and future industries", and "deepening the innovation and development of the digital economy".

Structurally, new productive forces mainly include strategic emerging industries and future industries.


Strategic emerging industries are key areas in expanding a wider range of labor targets, including eight major industries: new generation information technology, biotechnology, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, new energy vehicles, green environmental protection, as well as aerospace and marine equipment.

The future industry mainly consists of 9 fields: metaverse, brain computer interface, quantum information, humanoid robots, productive artificial intelligence, biological manufacturing, future display, future network, and new energy storage.


Dongfang Securities believes that artificial intelligence may become a top priority in new productive forces, involving industries such as communication, electronics, media, and computers. The robotics industry also involves the mechanical and automotive industries.

Meanwhile, life sciences, biological manufacturing, and innovative drugs involve the pharmaceutical industry. New materials mainly involve the new energy and non-ferrous industries. Quantum technology involves the communication and computer industries. Hydrogen energy involves the new energy industry. Low altitude economy and commercial aerospace involve military, communication, and mechanical industries. Brain computer interfaces involve the pharmaceutical industry, while advanced semiconductors involve the electronics industry.

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